Issue 1 and Tax Abatements.

Tax Abatement Reform for Fair School Funding Ballot Initiative Petition Drive is Underway!

We are a proud partner and co-sponsor of a ballot initiative to help stop the negative impact of the tax

abatement program on our city’s schools and neighborhoods.

Our ballot initiative will end the theft of millions from our schools, and only award tax breaks for new

construction/home modification to homeowners who are at 80% of the City’s Area Median Income,

which is approximately $61,382 for a family of three. This will end giving tax breaks to the wealthiest

in a handful of neighborhoods and restore millions of dollars in funding to CPS.

We need 5,000 valid signatures on our petition by August 9th, and we cannot do this without

your help! Your Building Representative has our petition and instructions. Please sign it if you are a

registered voter in the City of Cincinnati! If you would like to help circulate a petition (you do not need

to be a city voter to do so), please fill out our form here.

Questions? Contact Michelle at, or call 513-546-2273.

Do it for Our Children! Tax Abatement Reform NOW! #FairFundingNOW!

Ballot-pedia additional Issue 1 Information.

Issue 1 Additonal Information.

Opinion Piece on Issue 1

Certified Election Ballot

Answering General Questions about Issue 1


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Bridge Forward Cincinnati Event!