Welcome to West Price Hill!
The Community Council strives to make our neighborhood a vibrant, safe, and healthy place to live, work, and raise families.
Become a Member
If you live or own a business in West Price Hill, you can become a voting memeber of the community council. Membership dues are $10 per year. Click here to become a member.
Our meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month, at 7 PM in the Dunham Recreation Center, located at 4356 Dunham Ln, Cincinnati, OH 45238. Check the Calendar for details about upcoming meetings, as well as other community events.
Message from the President, Sean Newman
"We as a council are going to be implementing some changes within the organization that is the Community Council. I hope that the majority will be pleased with these changes. We will be embarking on a few methods to increase volunteer rates within our numbers, to help diversify the pool of those who help out with Community Council events. Regrettably, it appears that it is more often than not the same people who volunteer and the same people who do not raise their hands and donate their time, energy, and expertise.
We all want to be comparative or even better than Hyde park, in quality of living, safety, etc. We, however, cannot have the same 4 people, exclusively, working to push the community to be all that it can be.
This includes the CPD of district 3. Why has it become the normality for police to not respond to calls in a timely fashion? We've been advised by Specialist Kroger, who attends our meetings, that district 3 has the most officers compared to the other districts due to the size of district 3. Yet, some calls go hours without an officer arriving on the scene, to assess the situation.
I want a diverse community council, one that is an honest and true reflection of how diverse our community is. For the last 70 years, the council board and members have been predominantly white, and over 60 years old. That is not an accurate representation of our neighborhood. We have people here of every age and race demographic, and I hope that we can achieve a mirror image of that.
I also want to bring attention to homeownership rates being down due to large landlord corporations coming in and buying up properties. 70% of residents in WPH are renters, while the other 30% are homeowners. Traditionally, it should be a 60/40 split. With corporations coming in and buying up our property, this split isn't achievable.
The business district of WPH, compared to other business districts within Cincinnati, is like driving through a war zone; vacant, desolate, unappealing, and not pedestrian safe. The refurbishment of Glenway will slow down traffic and will increase pedestrian safety. Within the January meeting, we will be discussing the Glenway rehab with Melissa McVay of the DOTE.
See you next month,
Sean P Newman, President of the West Price Hill Community Council "
Our neighborhood plan - Belong, Be Strong - has been approved by the city planning commission.
You can read the plan at this link: https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/planning/neighborhood-plans/ongoing-neighborhood-planning-processes/belong-be-strong-west-price-hill/